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Other Pages (128)

  • iBooth | 다림시스템 Darim System

    Do It Yourself! 스스로 할 수 있는 All In One 방송 시스템. iStudio의 AI버전으로 열리는 Telepresentation 시대. 다림시스템 | Darim System

  • 찾아오시는 길 | 다림시스템 Darim System

    경기도 광명시 새빛공원로 67 광명역자이타워 B동 514-516호 기술로 문화를 창조하는 기업, 다림시스템 | Darim System 찾아오시는 길 경기도 광명시 새빛공원로 67 광명역자이타워 B동 514-516호 지하철 1호선 광명역(영등포 ↔ 광명역) 5번 출구 → 도보 5분 거리 1호선 관악역 1번 출구 (마을버스 1-1 코스트코 광명점. 자경마을 하차) → 도보 1분 거리 버스 KTX광명역, 광명종합터미널, 코스트코 광명점, 광명역센트럴자이 정류장 하차 KTX광명역 셔틀버스 : · 8507 (사당역 4번 출구 ↔ 서울대입구역 2번 출구 ↔ KTX광명역) · 6770 (인천공항 ↔ KTX광명역) 일반 : 3, 8-2, 12, 17, 22, 778, 102 직행 : 3001, 3002, G9633 간선 : 505 공항 : 6004, 6014 지선 : 5627, 5633 마을 : 1-1, 1-3, 88 도심공항터미널 광명역 서편 "도심공항터미널" KTX 서울역, 용산역에서 KTX광명역까지 15분 소요 자가용 내비게이션 : "광명역자이타워" 입력 주소 검색 : "경기도 광명시 새빛공원로 67" 또는 "경기도 광명시 일직동 515-1" 입력

  • iOffice 사무실 | 다림시스템 Darim System

    Do It Yourself! 스스로 할 수 있는 All In One 방송 시스템. iStudio의 AI버전으로 열리는 Telepresentation 시대. 다림시스템 | Darim System iS tudio 노트북 스마트 Office iStudio로 Personal Station(방송국)이 되는 스마트한 1인 방송 Office 교실에서, 사무실에서, 기차나 자동차 안 에서도 전세계 어느 곳에서나 iStand 대면 비대면 하이브리드 화상회의 원격 프레젠스에서 원격 프레젠테이션으로의 전환 Self Broadcasting System TelePresentation TeleClass / 원격수업 Smart Office With iStudio

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Blog Posts (18)

  • Participate in EDU PlUS WEEK FAIR

    Participating in EDU PlUS WEEK FUTURE EDUCATION FAIR On August 10~12, 2023, Darim System participated in the EDU PlUS WEEK FUTURE EDUCATION FAIR held at COEX Hall A in Seoul. At the Darim System booth, we demonstrated a lecture production program using iStudio 100 and 400, and produced a 6m*6m cube booth to reproduce future smart classrooms using media facades. Many visitors were impressed by the contents of the booth, especially the telecopter, a 4D simulator, which was enjoyed by many adults as well as children who visited with their parents. Many teachers and people from the education industry visited our booth, making it a successful event. Let's experience the future classroom in advance with the Darim System and create a fun smart hybrid classroom where students can learn happier. Thank you to everyone who visited the EDU PlUS WEEK Darim System booth, and we ask for your continued interest.

  • Installing a telecopter in the Meta Forest of Gwacheon Information Science Library

    Installing a telecopter in the Meta Forest of Gwacheon Information Science Library Photo Source) Ajou Economy, "Shingye-yong Gwacheon Mayor Meta Forest will be a valuable space for citizens of various ages to experience high-tech," (Gwacheon) Park Jae-cheon On July 12, 2023, the TeleCopter of Darim System was installed in Meta Forest, a digital experience space, on the second floor of the Gwacheon Information Science Library. MetaForest, a Metaverse experience space, is an experience center where Metaverse and Forest meet to create a comfortable 'resting' space where you can experience Metaverse technology. We hope that the charm of Gwacheon can be conveyed vividly by experiencing the tourist spots of Gwacheon through TeleCopter, a Metaverse VR tour.

  • Installing iStudio 400 at Seoul National University

    iStudio 400 model installed at Seoul National University's Big Data Innovation Sharing University Business Group Photo source) Seoul National University Official Website On February 7, 2023, Darim System's iStudio 400 model and other equipment were installed at the Industrial Complex of Seoul National University's Big Data Innovation and Sharing University in Gwanak-gu, Seoul. This will be used in various ways for filming and recording lectures as the semester begins soon. We hope that Darim's products, which are leading the way in future education, will be useful at Seoul National University.

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Darim system
B514~516 67, Saebitgongwon-ro,Gwangmyeong-si XI Tower Gyeonggi-do 14348, Republic of Korea 
TEL: 02-6265-0723    FAX: 02-6299-7995

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